Bury Tomorrow – The Seventh Sun

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On March 31st 2023, this seventh album by Bury Tomorrow called 'The Seventh Sun', saw the light of day. I've heard very good things about this one. Now let's see if they are true.

The title track ‘The Seventh Sun’ fades in from the beginning, leaving you in full suspension. Then it blasts straight forward with the growling voice of Daniel Winter-Bates. About half way through, the song goes calm for a few seconds and the voice of clean singer Tom Prendergast comes through. Later, those two elements of chaos and calm join their forces together and finish this amazing song together after one last breakdown.

‘Abandon Us’ does not wait to calmly introduce itself. It’s right there from the beginning. Whispers enhance the spooky feeling of the song. Hard and solid riffs give the song power. It took reality away and absorbed me into its magnificent sound.

‘Begin Again’ starts with a clean guitar melody. Calm and ready. After a few seconds, all the instruments kick in, using the heavy scream voice and the calm and clean voice together. This song feels lighter, yet powerful and ready to conquer whatever comes in its way. The melodies in this song cary you seamlessly through to the end of the song.

‘Forced Divide’ has overwhelmingly powerful drums that fade in at the beginning of the song before a very fast part kicks in. The fastest and hardest guitars and drums we’ve heard thus far. And after that, it goes back to calm and clean. I love these differences in pace and feeling. It changes completely in a second, yet it fits so very well. The song goes into a steady headbanging beat and reaches the end that way.

‘Boltcutter’ is the follow up from ‘Abandon Us’. The song hits just as hard . A song about breaking free, or wanting to break free but being stuck in the same old routine. Yet you have the power to cut the strings that hold you down. This track is over before you know it. Another powerful and strong song that absorbs you while listening. The video ends with the sentence: ”We are the children of the Seventh Sun”. While googling, I found that usually the seventh son is thought of as somebody with powers like a healer or a fortune teller. Of course that’s with an O en not with a U, but I think in a way Bury Tomorrow wants to tell us that we can be strong too, if we believe in ourselves.

‘Wrath’ starts of somber and dark. Harmonies of Tom’s clean voice are being heard. Followed by a solid melodic riff. The drums are heavy on this one. You hear that it’s being hit hard. The chorus is again a beautiful combination of the heavy aggressive riffs and the clean and calm voice. Truly beautiful.

‘Majesty’ opens with calm piano notes. Leaving you questioning what’s about to come. You expect the song to build op and burst into heaviness, but for the most part it doesn’t. It stays calm and controlled. Only when the song is over halfway done, all the build up energy releases into this amazing powerful feeling.

‘Heretic’ is a lot. A lot happens. It’s full of anger, it’s raging. If you watch the video, you can see all of the singers facial expressions. Loz Taylor from While She Sleeps also joins on this one. Spoiler alert; it gets very bloody in the video. A lot of anger is build up and then released. It’s beautiful, yet terrifying. But probably the best song of the album.

Conveniently, the next song is called ‘Recovery?’. After all that anger, we get a little positivity in with some more melodic and therefore lighter sounding music. It is beautiful and pure. Straight from the heart and honest. ”What is recovery?” It’s a good question, and probably had a different definition for everybody.

A breath is taken, a pauze is given, and the lyrics to ‘Care’ are spit out. Loud and violent screams rise from your speakers. Mixing a clean voice in between, calming it down a little until it’s ready to burst again. All of a sudden it ends on ”Yeah, I don’t fucking care!” And that’s the best ending it could have had.

Last song ‘The Carcass King’ opens beautifully with a calm and clean melody, followed by drums but with a scream voice. A beautiful contrast. The song changes and transforms different times to different feelings. The audio is full and whole throughout all the changes. Cody Frost also joins in on this one. She participated in the Voice UK and got picked up by the label Truth music. And with that, the album fades out just like it faded in. What a journey.

This album is loud and heavy. Heavy ,meaning that the music is heavy, but also the topics, the way it is brought to you. It is like therapy on a disc. Truly beautiful and honest, straight from the heart melodic metal core music that hits hard. I do have to sit and think a bit after this album, but I’m also ready to conquer the day. And the best thing is, if it’s already this good on a cd, you will definitely be blown away live. Burry Tomorrow is coming to Alcatraz today, so be sure to check them out!

Bury Tomorrow is:
Daniel Winter-Bates – unclean vocals
Kristan Dawson – lead guitar, backing vocals
Ed Hartwell – rhythm guitar
Davyd Winter-Bates – bass
Adam Jackson – drums, percussion
Tom Prendergast – keyboards, clean vocals


  • Music / Songwriting 10/10
  • Vocals / Lyrics 10/10
  • Mix / Production 10/10
  • Artwork & Packaging 7/10
  • Originality 10/10

This album is loud and heavy. Heavy, meaning that the music is heavy, but also the topics, the way it is brought to you. It is like therapy on a disc. Truly beautiful and honest, straight from the heart melodic metal core music that hits hard.

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