Album Reviews

Greek black metal stalwarts Funeral Storm return with the sophomore ‘Chthonic Invocations’ which is a tribute to the ancient cult of Hellenic black metal. Out on Hell’s Headbangers Records.

Druid Lord has developed a unique brand of death/doom metal, “Relics of the Dead” churns some slow-burn doomy riffs dragging you slowly into the darkest pits of hell.

Perdition Temple’s third album is recommended for fans of Vader, Angelcorpse, and Malevolent Creation.

Abysmal Lord delivers a bestial and primitive creation of brutal and raw war metal!

Funeral Storm’s Arcane Mysteries is as much a tribute to Hellenic black metal as it is a testament to its legacy.

Pounder’s debut full-length album is quite refreshing and the band has managed to bring some energizing tunes without emulating other bands.