Canadian black metal outfit Blight publishes a new lyric video for “A Violent Light”! Check it out!

Night Crowned’s debut album ‘Impius Viam’ is an extremely fast-paced album with unhinged tempos due to the energetic variations.

The mighty Black Anvil join the Season of Mist family.

Get ready for the antichrist blasting from Finland’s Front, to be released in June via Iron Bonehead Productions!

Omega Infinity’s whole craft is based on bridging the gap between industrial elements and black metal.

UK’s Ante-Inferno have captured the breathtaking British wildlands in their new music video. Check it out.

Death Clan OD is a Mephistophelian soundtrack to the dark and occult ages.

Enepsigos embodies the malign and the infernal side of black metal.

Perdition Temple’s third album is recommended for fans of Vader, Angelcorpse, and Malevolent Creation.