Out of nowhere, mgła dropped their brand new full-length ‘Age of Excuse’, another record full of misanthropic black metal!

Some exceptional melodic black metal from France by Sübnopfer!

The third and last day of the excellent Alcatraz fesival brought us even more top bands like Meshuggah, Voivod and Powerwolf.

While almost blown away by the hard wind on the second day of Alcatraz, the bands blew us even more away. Time to read up how everything went down.

The Dwarves are here! And drank your beer! Get ready for a party with Wind Rose!

American hard rock outfit Buckcherry release another video for one of the songs of their latest release “Warpaint”!

Time to kick off day one of the 12th edition of the coziest metal festival ever, Alcatraz. Who has never been there doesn’t know what he is missing, great vibe, not too much side animation, a party bar El Presidio and some Alcatraz side characters and they added this year a third stage, La Morgue, with […]

Report of the second day we were at Wacken 2019, the first real day of the festival, with a massive anniversary special Sabaton show!