Album Reviews

The Casualties are back with a new vocalist and do what they do best: be angry and raise their middle fingers!

Take a trip back in time with the very seventies hard rock from Blood Of The Sun!

Trollheims Grott delivered a relentless shotgun blast to the face with their new black metal release “Aligned with the True Death”!

Swallow The Sun has forged a stairway towards undefined plains and yet with each release they seem to capture a refined art.

Old school skate punkers Satanic Surfers are “back from hell” and it’s awesome!

The wolves are back! Finnish epic winter metal outfit Wolfheart brings you another set of their gorgeous creations.

Obliteration are truly motivated with distinctive and divergence from most of the current old school death metal bands.

Black Mirrors holds the future of rock in their hands and are promising a bright future in that!

Swartadauþuz has ultimately achieved his purpose, there is no doubt about how good the songwriting on Musmahhu’s debut was made.

Extremely catchy and fun synthpop music from Night Club, yet in it’s on very special way rather dark!