Blackened deathcore outfit Crucify Me Gently premieres a brand new emotional video for ‘Non-Living’!

Another Friday night brimming with auditory violence, thanks to an all European grindcore line-up.

Gorgon may have a different approach to symphonic death metal but from my point of view Elegy shows a fair effort from this band.

Next bands for Alcatraz 2019 are Swedish band Soilwork and our very own Carnation!

Terrorizer’s latest album “Caustic Attack” has been out for some time, but we finally managed to get the review out.

This latest vigor from Drawn and Quartered proves that they are one of the consistent death metal acts that can evolve by time without neglecting the true sound of old school death metal!!

Vocalist Julien Deyres shines a light on Gorod’s latest album “Aethra”.

Vocalist Julien Deyres shines a light on Gorod’s latest album “Aethra”.

It is affirmative to say that The Quebec lads of Outre Tombe are capable to match the sound of the classic sound of 90’s era, “Necrovortex” is a rudiment record and has this brutish flavor.