Festival Reports

The 2nd day of Steelfest XI, a day with intense performances from bands like Ymir, Infernal, Totalselfhatred, Ride For Revenge, and Kalmankantaja, a couple of firsts with Gravespawn and Grenadier visiting Europe for the first time, blistering shows by Tsatthoggua, Sex Messiah, and Witchtrap, and legendary black metal acts Gehenna, Behexen and Carpathian Forest!

Steelfest XI was the first time to be a full 3-day event, and the first day was killer with bands like Coraxul, Azazel, Nattverd, Utuk Xul, Hail Conjurer, Nocturnal Sorcery, Sacrilegious Impalement, Loits, The Committee, Pest, Horna, Deströyer 666 and Marduk!

Photo Reports

The outdoor stage on the 2nd day of Steelfest XI was the place for explosive and often high velocity performances by Tsatthoggua, Sex Messiah, Grenadier, Witchtrap, Kalmankantaja and Behexen!

The second day of Steelfest XI delivered another serving of proper dark underground and extreme metal on the indoors stage with performances from Gravespawn, Ymir, Infernal, Totalselfhatred, Ride For Revenge, Gehenna and Carpathian Forest!

The first day of Steelfest XI also brought a series of explosive and high energy performances to the outdoor stage with Azazel, Utuk Xul, Nocturnal Sorcery, Loits, Pest and Deströyer 666!

On Ascension day, Steelfest XI brought a great collection of stellar underground bands to the festival’s indoor stage with Coraxul, Nattverd, Hail Conjurer, Sacrilegious Impalement, The Committee, Horna and Marduk on the first day of the 3-day fest!


Steelfest manages to impress with their line-up and organization every single year, and this year is no different, even after some recent setbacks! We’re amazed with the line-up that celebrates everything that is underground and extreme yet again, and that’s only a part of the reasons why you should still try to make it to the fest this weekend!


In about 3 weeks, the eleventh edition of Steelfest will take place in Hyvinkää, Finland and they have yet again a very impressive line-up at this 3-day celebration of the underground!