Making a deal with the deal turns out to be healthy! Well, sort of anyway. What was the deal? an interview with Sisters of Suffocation. The price? find out in the article!

Deathgrind legends Misery index are back with full force with their latest exploit ‘Rituals of Power’. Less grind, more thrash, but still full-on death metal.

A new death metal onslaught is coming your way through the new Body Harvest release, to be released via Comatose Music!

“Cease to Exist” is Noisem’s best effort to date and it has all the grinding elements of old school metal, this is more of a mixed up styles which have been compacted into one massive package.

Bloodred Hourglass are back to take on the world with their upcoming new release “Godsend” and prove that they’re the new standard for modern melodic death metal!

Foul Body Autopsy is back, just a year after the previous album. Fans will not be disappointed and if you’re new to this, why not give it a try.

Just when Carnation is on the verge to spread death over Europe again, they release a new video!

With ‘I, the Mask’, you can expect the same sound as you are used to from In Flames. In great lines, they didn’t change the formula they use to make songs, through brought back some of that old school ‘Come Clarity’ era sound!

A fun evening of brutality, slam and an exclusive fly-in headliner show of tech death outfit Archspire!

Bestial death/black metal outfit Deiphago set the date for their upcoming piece of destructive chaos!