Maxen’s albums of the year 2018

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2018 has been a great year for metal music in general there have been many new albums pouring down week after another. Hence these releases were inclusive in terms of different musical genre from death metal and black metal. But frankly speaking the biggest surprise was from the black metal genre, and in my case it was really hard to mention all the albums which had an effect on me. And to sum all of my favorite albums in one list was impossible, although it took me some time to organize my list and put them all together in one ultimate list.  And while it’s difficult to specify my top list I thought of selecting different bands from different musical genres to make my list somewhat presentable but not satisfactory enough. So let’s take a look at my list below and if you have missed one or two albums then make sure you check these albums which you have overlooked!

Runner ups 10-7 6-4 3-2 1

1. Judas PriestFirepower

British heavy metal giants Judas Priest strikes back with a new powerful album ramming down their 18th record. For 44 years now Rob Halford and Co. have been steaming with metal fever showing no mercy but to electrify their fans around the world with the law of metal. Firepower is an exceptional album in my opinion for many reasons. First of all Firepower has some vibes from Painkiller album, its builds up slowly and ensures to showcase its hidden ingredients. It also includes some incredible hits like the album title, Lighting Strikes, Never the Heroes, Children of the Sun, Spectre and the slow Ballad Sea of Red. The album delivered Rob Halford’s vocals signature at its best, while the overall performance is top notch. Since we all grew up listening to heavy metal music, it was quite necessary to start my list with this album.

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