News Posts

Another band announcement for Alcatraz 2019! Time for some Atmospheric Black Metal from Denmark: Myrkur!

Saxon will be coming to Alcatraz 2019, with their “40th Anniversary Castles and Eagles” show! Also, 7 more bands have just been added to the lineup!

Not one, but two Japanese Metal bands will be coming to Alcatraz 2019! Crossfaith from Osaka, and Crystal Lake from Tokyo!

Thrash Metal band Flotsam and Jetsam, as well as Heavy/Power Metal band Firewind have just been announced to play at Alcatraz 2019!

Two more bands have been added to the lineup of Alcatraz 2019! Progressive Metal band TesseracT and Metalcore band Of Mice & Man.

Another day, another band announcement for Alcatraz 2019! Soulfly is coming back to Belgium, to play at Alcatraz!

Swedish Death Metal band Hypocrisy and British Grindcore band Napalm Death join the lineup for Alcatraz 2019!

Another band has been added to the lineup of Alcatraz 2019! Swedish Metal band Avatar will be coming to Kortrijk in 2019 to party with us!

Influential eighties Heavy Metal bands Metal Church and Anvil will be coming to Alcatraz 2019 in Kortrijk!

Photo Reports

Pictures of Sound Of Noise or what will be known as one of the only metal festivals in Belgium during 2020’s pandemic.

Check out the pictures from our time in our favorite prison Alcatraz!