Endless Forms Most Gruesome invokes that classic Finnish melancholic doom sound, but with some special different touches. Check it out!

Tel Aviv’s Tomorrow’s Rain is gearing up to release an exciting new album filled with guest appearances from their musical friends! Check it out!

Like a David against Goliath, Tanagra is fighting with a big corporation to keep the trademarks on their band name! Read all about it here!

Ævangelist is releasing their new release on physical format by the end of this month and it’s something dark to really look forward to!

Finnish melodic metal outfit Crimson Sun released their latest album ‘Fates’, which they celebrated with a release party! Check out the pics of the night.

Finnish melodic metal outfit Crimson Sun released their latest album ‘Fates’, What better than a release show in a dark cellar to celebrate?

Get ready for some good thrashing with the full stream of the debut self-titled album of Italy’s Soul Dragger! Check it out!

Pictures of a black and extreme metal night with Abbath, 1349, Vltimas and Nuclear at Doornroosje in the Netherlands!

Brutal Assault is announcing more bands for the 2020 edition, starting at the second half of the total amount of bands coming!

We’re already getting excited about the coming summer when seeing these latest additions that Tuska festival had confirmed!