News Posts

The Finnish festival Steelfest Open Air can be seen as one of the most renowned underground metal festivals in Europe with every year people coming down to the small city of Hyvinkää from all over the world. They also manage to offer us the best from the black, death and doom metal world every single […]

Festival Reports

The 2nd day of Steelfest XI, a day with intense performances from bands like Ymir, Infernal, Totalselfhatred, Ride For Revenge, and Kalmankantaja, a couple of firsts with Gravespawn and Grenadier visiting Europe for the first time, blistering shows by Tsatthoggua, Sex Messiah, and Witchtrap, and legendary black metal acts Gehenna, Behexen and Carpathian Forest!

The second day of Steelfest 2019 offered more diversity with different styles of black and death!

Photo Reports

The second day of Steelfest XI delivered another serving of proper dark underground and extreme metal on the indoors stage with performances from Gravespawn, Ymir, Infernal, Totalselfhatred, Ride For Revenge, Gehenna and Carpathian Forest!

The pictures of a more diverse and even hotter 2nd day of Steelfest 2019!


In about 3 weeks, the eleventh edition of Steelfest will take place in Hyvinkää, Finland and they have yet again a very impressive line-up at this 3-day celebration of the underground!

Album Reviews

Finland’s most depressed band have returned, sending shivers down your spine and exploring new levels of intensity. A must-have for lovers of DSBM, blackgaze and atmospheric post-black metal!